All for the Kingdom
Sermon Podcast
Trained for Godliness, 1 Timothy 4:6-16
The instructions of 1 Timothy 4 are addressed to Timothy and his church pastoral leadership. At first reading, it may seem that verses 6-16 relate only to overseers' leadership, preaching, and teaching ministry of the church. Though these instructions are addressed to the overseer, they relate to the whole church in understanding proper biblical training, personal holiness, and the church's public worship. These instructions to the overseer help the church understand what should be honored and celebrated in the leadership of the overseer, the importance of personal holiness, and what should be honored in their public assemblies.
Approved by God, 2 Corinthians 10:1-18
Leaders can be tempted to adjust the message to be most appealing to the crowd, even at the expense of the truth. Congregations can be tempted to desire what is entertaining over what is true or to give more honor and authority to what draws a crowd than what is faithful and true to God's word.
Who has the most significant cultural influence today? Some say it is the one who can draw the largest crowds. Some say it is the social media influencers who have large numbers of followers. Others say that those with large traditional media audiences have the most significant influence.
2 Corinthians 10 is not concerned with the church's influence in the larger culture or with Paul's influence among the community. 2 Corinthians 10 is concerned with what influences the church and who the members are giving their attention to. The hope is to draw the church away from unfaithful influences that may be more attractive to those that are true and faithful to God's word.
Testimony of Leadership, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24
The Bible recognizes the sinfulness of man and man’s nature of rebellion. Recognizing the destructive nature of this rebellion, the Bible recognizes the need for rulers to establish and enforce the law. And the need for oversight for leaders because they, too, are sinful.
In these final verses of the chapter, Paul gives testimony to Titus and the two brothers he is sending back to the Corinthian church. Here we find helpful teaching on the goodness of leadership and how to respond to those God has given such responsibility to.
Fix Your Hope on the Living God, 1 Timothy 4:6-16
Exercise has some benefits for the body, but it is temporary. However, when we develop lives of godliness through being nourished by the word and disciplining ourselves for God – these benefits are known for eternity.
Give your minds to the word of God. Feed on it. Consume it. Let it penetrate and saturate every part of your mind and heart. Add to this a life of discipline. Be disciplined for godliness – rejecting what does not honor God and pursuing what the Lord loves. And never lose sight of the goal. Do not live for today alone. Live for eternity. That you may attaint the hope of salvation and that you might be a witness to many more for their salvation.