All for the Kingdom

Sermon Podcast

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Current series: 2 Timothy

Repentance Ben Smith Repentance Ben Smith

No Regrets, 2 Corinthians 7:2-16

Regret is a powerful emotion. Generally, it is connected to missing or squandering an opportunity or being unsatisfied with a decision later revealed to be foolish, unwise, or bad. Walking in obedience before the Lord may cause you to experience difficult days and know momentary grief and suffering, but you will never regret it.

In 2 Corinthians 7, Paul references an issue of sin he addressed in 1 Corinthians 5. He had previously written to the church concerning sexual immorality that had been allowed to remain unconfronted in the church. Because of his love for the people in the church, he was grieved by their sin while also saddened that his confrontational words had caused them pain. However, he does not regret writing these words. And he is also confident that the Corinthians do not now regret receiving his words because God has used them to bring the offending individual and the church fellowship to repentance.

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Repentance Ben Smith Repentance Ben Smith

Recovering from Failure, Genesis 27:41-28:9

Sin is destructive, and failure is demoralizing. If we are not careful, our response to sin and failure can be as destructive, if not more than the original sin. In Genesis 27, we witness how Isaac, Rebecca, Esau, and Jacob responded to their previous sinful attempts to get their way. Each of them is attempting to recover from their own failure. Through their testimony, we see in Esau the destruction of unrepentance, in Rebecca and Jacob the unexpected cost of sin, and in Isaac the testimony of repentance.

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